Till this day, the overwhelming majority of India’s citizens are ill-informed about the legal status of the State of Jammu & Kashmir (inclusive of PoK), i.e. whether it is legally a part of India or whether it is disputed territory. If asked, they tend to ASSUME that it is disputed territory. However, a careful reading of the UN Security Council Resolution 47 (1948) submitted jointly by the Representatives for Belgium, Canada, Republic of China, Colombia, the United Kingdom and United States of America and adopted by the Security Council at its 286thmeeting held on April 21, 1948 (Document No. 5/726, dated the 21st April, 1948), followed by a detailed account of how the Ceasefire Agreement was negotiated and finally inked on July 28, 1949, all prove beyond any reasonable doubt that it is Pakistan that has consistently shied away from implementing the UNSC’s Reolution 47.
Reproduced below is the first-hand detailed account of the entire negotiating process and the benchmarks that were used for drafting the temporary ceasefire agreement. This should, once and for all, clear any doubts that anyone harbours about the legal status of undivided Jammu & Kashmir.